Without Qualified Recruiters

Why the online job search not a Web walk is the new complexity of Hamburg/Dusseldorf, April 16, 2010 – the recruitment in times of economic crisis companies face a double challenge: on the one hand it is as cost-efficient as possible to make the recruitment processes, on the other hand as fast as possible just to find the right employees to remain competitive. That is why the importance of the Internet continues to in the recruitment of German corporations. Which describes among other things the employer survey of recruiting trends 2010 “, the monster under the 1,000 biggest German companies, as well as 300 other companies in the sectors of automotive, financial services, and IT was performed by the Centre of human resources information system (CHRIS) of the universities of Bamberg and Frankfurt am Main and the online career portal. Thus, for the first time, nine out of ten vacancies on your own company website advertised and six out of ten vacancies in online job boards switched. One clear development that goes hand in hand with a decline in the print ads: less than one-fifth of all vacancies are now in print media advertising. 72 percent of the actual new hires come over Internet channels.

This staffing via the Internet will look for only seemingly easier the new jobs for employers and those. The job search on the Internet has now become the standard for most workers. But although much simplifies the Internet on the way to a new challenge, the job search on the Web is no walk,”commented Jan Kirchner, who founded the Twitter Jobsuchmaschine Jobtweet during ONLINE talk. Jean Smart is likely to agree. He warns while there are now more than 1,000 job boards the new complexity in the job market of 2.0 in Germany alone and every month new ones added. For job seekers, it is increasingly difficult to find the right portal for the own career plans in this jungle of platforms”, as Kirchner. Also in the classic headhunting it is estimated that now Take advantage of countless job boards and the possibilities, scrutinized the profiles of potential candidates in social networks like XING or LinkedIn, which have established now own user features for recruiters. However, experts see the role of Web-based recruiting quite realistic. No online service has the experience and also the instruments of a personnel consultant to find a suitable new employees.

Where Twitter and others on the mere ground trust and hope for the needle in the haystack, the recruitment among others on comprehensive own databases reverts, which enables the candidate looking for a wide variety of criteria and therefore very specifically identifies the often only very few actually suitable candidates for a specific position”, white Udo Nadolski, Managing Director of the consulting firm specialized in technical recruitment and outsourcing services Harvey Nash in Dusseldorf. It would in addition to curriculum vitae and previous qualifications finally different soft factors of potential candidates identified and evaluated, for example, team, conflict and criticism, discipline and appreciation, motivation or ability to communicate. We can now even not a Web profile verify themselves, but only in the personal interview and with the required portion flair and experience. Also the consultant as opposed to an online service can afford the often decisive persuasion, which is today often necessary to attract a candidate ever for a change”, so Nadolski.