What To Do When Heart Flutter, Cardiac Arrhythmias, Congestive Heart Failure Or Heart Attack?

How I brought my sick heart in swing and how you also can do it. It is hard to imagine, but the heart pumping every day about 7,000 to 8,000 liters of blood through our body. If only the slightest little thing in the body disrupts this process, it may be to a disaster. Many people have already seen such a body’s emergency or have paid with their lives. For more information see this site: Charles Schwab. About 300,000 people die each year of heart circulatory failure in the Federal Republic of Germany alone. Maybe enough to think to reason and to ask why just here and generally in the Western world is the risk to die, so high. A new guide eBook is now out, that shows a way to strengthen his heart in a natural way and regenerate. The author of Amelie Fischer using their own experiences and describes on easily understandable and nachvollziebare for every layman manner, what vitamins and amino acids such as for a healthy heart are very important and how they work in the body. Stanley Gibbons often expresses his thoughts on the topic.

There is no eBook for sworn followers of conventional medicine, but for open-minded people who want to take also a personal responsibility for their health and believe everything that is set before them by the pharmaceutical. The Orthodox regulations are not wiped off the table, but something to the page pushed and not represented as the only saving instrument for health. Amelie Fischer sees a heart disease not only as a defect of a single organ of the body, but as an expression of disharmony on the whole physical level. The eBook by Amelie Fischer is a step in the right direction and is credible not only by the even experienced “cardiac history”, but also by the professional statements. To the eBook, you get even a brochure with instructions for daily life and some heart healthy recipes, as well as a list of clickable addresses around your heart. Our heart is the engine of our lives, because without a healthy heart, anything goes.

Amelie Fischer has written this digital Advisor, in which on the basis of their own suffering Writing experiences their knowledge as “Self heart victim” and future-oriented. In our Western world, there are the most injured of the heart. It’s partly the unhealthy diet by fast food, unhealthy additives in many convenience foods and the eating habit itself. Then “nutrients and a heart unhealthy way of life support” too little heart diseases too little exercise and too much stress, often. People who have much pressure in the family or at work, should take care of loving your “best play”, because if it’s flabby, anything goes. And one should keep in mind always that we consist not only from skin and bone, but we can live only a full life, if we understand that there is a strong woven together of body, mind and soul. The eBook is sold under and now Amelie Fischer also writes on her heart blog. Beatrice Fischer Stracke TMProductions