Western Reserve University

Thoughts on self awareness as the basis for the optimization of self. Who looks around in courtrooms and the intransigence of the convicted offender parliamentary work can be, gets a glimpse of how do people don’t know or don’t know. From a variety of guided discussions and assessments with candidates, we can conclude that the majority has addressed the concerned with the topic of self-recognition, nor with sensory issues. The view into the abyss self reflection instead of projection it not very much needs imagination and psychological knowledge to know that the man his shadow becomes reluctant aware. If he risked a look still in the depth of his self down, it will negate the less flattering evidence with great regularity and (unknowingly) project. He constructed an idealized image of himself that is different from the reality. Here are a few important aspects of self knowledge or self-knowledge based: Head in the sand strategy? Life and sense questions of self-knowledge is, to make the most important life – and sensory issues. A head in the sand would mean strategy to pursue, that although short term relief acts, is long-term but stressful and counterproductive not to do it.

That’s why self-reflection rather than projection. Courage to himself to admit mistakes and recognize their own defects are a solution. Thanks to a remarkable study by Dr. Julie Exling, Professor in the Department of psychology at case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, we know that insight into the own fallacy also the forgiveness of foreign debt makes it much easier. I know my thoughts? Action is announced have to ask ourselves questions. My friends, questions about the theme of life, death and dying, who are live I values such as goodness, benevolence, waiver, kindness, forgiveness, self-discipline, commitment, teamwork and tolerance, fairness, what are my personal goals, how others see me and know I models. The list is not finally I would like to highlight only some of these issues as complex Away to the (self) knowledge. Aspects such as mind control and techniques to achieve targets via mental training as well as issues of spirituality, body posture, health and fitness are all decisive importance on the road to self-knowledge.

Our thoughts, attitudes, and ideas (fantasies) control our feelings and our behavior. Action here, because we are not aware of these operations. Saying, it is a most urgent task to become aware of the internal operations to identify themselves and to intervene selectively. Conclusion of personal and professional success is based on self-cognition self-knowledge is an indispensable tool for the selection of measures within the framework of a self-tuning to know each other well. An effective tool towards the personal and professional success.