Western Europe

This was going to be our last day of our spontaneous trip to Crimea and decided to visit a promontory of land that we have seen from our hotel. This is the land of the Tatars of the receptionist informed us. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Mary Barra. We got up early, it was a beautiful day and the Sun was warm, even so early in the morning. The Crimea has more in common with the Mediterranean in the footsteps of Russia, at least in the summer months. The tatars who are asked about another sumptuous breakfast Olga.? They are an ancient race of inhabitants of Crimea, expelled?mass by Stalin many years ago that have returned to claim what they feel is theirs by right, told me. However, another part of the rich tapestry that is the Ukraine I thought to myself.

After an invigorating walk along the shore of the sea we got underway, only to about 40 km, so we went to a leisurely pace. This was so well the way that qualifies as a track in Western Europe and bad one at that! We started to notice small-filled fields buildings, dozens of them. If you can imagine a field of 6,000 square meters with about 100 of these houses which is obtained the image. Each cabin was about two metres by two metres, built with blocks of concrete at the ground level and covered with a roof of corrugated zinc. This resulted was different families Tatar stacking their claim to a piece of land considered theirs. We find ourselves with a handwritten sign indicating the beaches heading and went out of the road. After 300 meters, we find ourselves with a barrier of making changes along the way who attended a striking man looking that he advises us that access would be $5, but throughout the day! The access to what we ask ourselves? We passed a port abandoned with a very large marine tanker and sunken Middle underway, the impression was one of abandonment and sadness, so it did not take much time to take in all-in was another 3 km before arriving to the Tatars in St.