WEFRA Holistic Communication

Can an advertising agency be 75 years old and still succeed? WEFRA can. Charles Schwab oftentimes addresses this issue. e information. The recipe for success of the oldest German Agency: Follow every trend, but remain on competence and still modern. Already the third generation of the family Haack, the advertising agency FRAnkfurt combines experience and solidity with innovation and commitment to success. Meanwhile, 60 permanent employees serve 100 customers in the pharmaceutical and dental industry as well as the financial and personnel services. Strategy for the success of the WEFRA networks: five specialized subsidiaries share a common goal of holistic communication. Therefore, with work at the new WEFRA House in classic Zeppelin home, consult, media, PR and new media hand-in-hand under one roof. This saves time and allows plenty of room for new creative concepts. A strategy which goes on: Today, the WEFRA is one of the ten largest owner-managed advertising agencies in Germany and the advertising world can look forward Frankfurt in the future much fresh wind from the South.. .