Web Density

The famous phrase ‘keep it simple “should lead efforts to design web pages. Consider one of the most visited Web portals: Google. Its simple design has positioned itself as the largest portal for use by its simplicity. It has flashy special effects or sounds, or animations. It’s a simple logo whom we receive every time we visit Google.

But content and captive portal functionality to millions of users daily. Simple, plain and simple, that’s the basic rule for designing effective web pages. Accuracy A common practice and ineffective, is to try to publish as much information on the main or ‘home page’. This is not necessary, since the nature of the medium is to be increased consistently, the information. It is better to design a website entry or ‘home page’ access to relevant points. Once you wake up the visitor’s interest for one of the points or relevant links, are accessing the same reward you.

This instant gratification is sought by the visitor. The portal design must be precise and strategically consider the location of the main links. Through the secondary pages of the portal, it provides access to all the other information related to the main theme of the portal. In this way, diversifies the content of this site and increases its density. Density Web pages grow through time. While we plan carefully the contents of the portal, there is room to add content. To the extent that we change, either, products, services or marketing strategies, the portal will be updated. Adding multimedia content or text, we increase the density of the portal. By increasing the density, we diversify the attractions of the portal, and therefore increases the probability of getting more visitors. For example, a portal provides a data input mode makes and models of vintage cars. After two months of publication of the portal, there is a steady increase of visitors. Then the person in charge of web design decide to provide more information and adds three points of interest: (1) Associations of Owners of old cars, (2) Old Cars National Events, and (3) Clubs Local Advertising Agencies. By adding these three points of interest, also increases the density of the portal. It is a fact that traders with a web presence, have an advantage on those who still do not. Access to information is becoming easier (eg, multimedia portable devices) and is more common to see people accessing the Internet to satisfy their need for information. Therefore, having a presence on the Internet through a portal, is indispensable. A portal can be simple in design and still meet their visitors in the measure that provides accurate information. The portal design should consider increasing the content according to the need of the visitors or the implementation of design strategies.