Water Molecules

The observations were carried out using a "lunar mineralogy mapper," NASA or M3 (Moon Mineralogy Mapper) ('M cubed "), mounted on board the spacecraft Indian Space Research Administration Space Chandrayaan-1. Two other NASA spacecraft Cassini (Cassini) and epoxy (Epoxi) confirmed this finding. 'A very long time water ice on the Moon to scientists who study the moon, was something of a Holy Grail '- said Jim Green (Jim Green), head of the department for the study of the planets at NASA headquarters in Washington. "This amazing discovery came thanks to the skill, perseverance and international cooperation of NASA and the Indian Control of Space '. Sitting on his "perch" in lunar orbit, a modern spectrometer mounted on the M3, carried out measurements of light reflected from the lunar surface in the infrared (IR) region of the spectrum by splitting the spectral colors of the lunar surface at a fairly small component to show a new level of detail in the surface composition. When the research team analyzed the M3 obtained with using the instrument data, found that the absorption spectra of the reflected light are in good agreement with the standards of the absorption spectra characteristic of the water molecules and hydroxyl groups. 'When we say "water on the moon," we are not referring to lakes, oceans or even puddles "- explained Carl Peters (Carle Pieters), principal investigator for M3 from Brown University in Providence, United States, Rhode Island. "Under water on the Moon imply the water molecules and hydroxyl groups, which interact with molecules of rock cliffs and dust specifically in the upper layer of the lunar surface, a thickness of several millimeters. .