Washing Machine

So household appliances are disposed of correctly the Christmas holidays are over and the new toaster should now take up his Ministry. But where the old device? According to the Federal Ministry for the environment two million tons of electronic waste incurred in Germany every year. Most old devices end up in the garbage. The portal for online auctions auvito.de explained why they are not there. Old vacuum cleaner, toaster or washing machines are not worthless junk.

From 14 tonnes of electronic waste a ton of copper can be recycled at least. To the devices dispose suitably. End up on waste, is a risk that harmful substances such as lead, mercury and chromium compounds in the soil and the groundwater takes. Household appliances is right (www.auvito.de/ appliances) to give to municipal collection points such as recycling centers. The tax costs the consumer nothing. These are large electrical appliances, can in some cities free of charge or for a small Transport package will be picked up from home.

Information this pick-up service or the nearest collection point can be requested at the relevant Office of waste. Even small electric waste such as CDs may not land in the trash can. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Charles Schwab. In every electronics specialists there are extra collection spindles. Private content on the CDs, the disc should be previously shredded. The same applies to batteries and rechargeable batteries these are stockpiled at home according to the Federal Ministry for the environment of 70 percent of Germans. This is completely unnecessary, as they can be disposed of in almost every supermarket in appropriate containers. “Blue Angels who want to show particularly exemplary, pays attention when buying new appliances on the eco-label” or Euro Flower “. More information: presse.html contact: Lisa Neumann University first media GmbH barefoot streets 12 04109 Leipzig Tel: + 49/341/49288-240 fax: + 49/341/49288-59