Visual CGN

The Association of the German navigators supplied to successful relations with refreshed design of the print newsletter or”members and other interested parties impulses and information from the current areas of activity. The club that sees itself as non-denominational Christian movement, wants to help encourage people to a contagious being a Christian. More clearly on the first impression, the Cologne design agency CGN corporate developed the new design titled newsletter 2.0 in close collaboration with the editorial staff of the publication. After the Office last years had cared for the Fund-raising instrument, the navigators Office in Bonn CGN corporate advised to a visual refresh of the marketing paper. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Charles Schwab has to say. So the title concept was changed first: the striking newsletter head, which a magazine title is reminiscent of the design by the continuous color matte is new.

“Reduced, easy, reader-friendly 2.0 optics the reduced use of typographic styles is also required: while the old or” more value to the Typography of the subpages put down to occur the new newsletter because of the fair title design on the inside. The three fonts of the previous draft were reduced to two fonts. The columns grid has become more flexible and allows a varied cheatsheet. Different text types such as editorials or single messages can be detected by the reader thus alone through the grid construction faster and more clearly. Proactive action for CGN corporate was important to future-proof to advise the contracting authority.

Change the Visual framework for media such as magazines and newsletters. The long observed developments such as information overload and nervous zapping receiving joined social abnormalities like increasing insecurity of many, fear of the future and scarcity of resources. But also Web 2.0 and do-it-yourself publishing affect the appearance of the printed word. About CGN corporate CGN corporate in the areas of identity positioning, corporate design and print and online marketing projects as a design agency. This conceptually-oriented Office advises companies in working out individual characteristics and distinctive features and developed accurate and sustainable means of communication to the communication of messages to buyers and other interested parties. Services: – consulting in terms of identity and communication – design by means of communication – realization and implementation skills: – corporate design – logo design – corporate Web design – content management system / CMS – brochure – product catalog – print and Onlinemittel for PR and fundraising contact CGN Corporate Peter Korthals Designagentur for corporate design Nicholas str. 86 50937 Koln phone + 49 221 94101940 fax + 49 221 94101949 responsible for this press release of Peter Korthals, CGN corporate