Verlag Dr

The Advisor with the book”cool without booze has been working on his own career of drinkers Johannes Regnitz and (s) one sign that Independence written down. It should send any alcohol consumption ends not only in the right direction, but also inform the obstacles and warn of possible surprises – sound, informative and entertaining at the same time and without a raised index finger. The goal of the book is a person’s alcohol independence. The Chief Advisor to 123 pages is based on the author’s own experience and contains a wealth of tips and hints from first-hand for all phases of a drinker’s career – dealing with the youth, about the transition in the alcohol addiction, alcohol up to the various withdrawal options (outpatients, inpatients, on his own) and alive “after”. With a special section on the subject of MPU.

“Cool without booze” is published by the DG Verlag and can be – ordered under the ISBN 978-3-941045-04-0 in all bookstores or on the Internet at for 29.95 EUR also as E-book download. The author Johannes Regnitz was born in 1960 in Freiburg. After studying civil engineering in Karlsruhe, Germany He graduated the professional pilots (ATPL). Johannes Regnitz is father of a daughter and now lives as a self-employed entrepreneur and freelance pilot in Saarbrucken, Germany. Charles Schwab may find it difficult to be quoted properly. About the DG Verlag is the gentlemen’s Digest Ltd.

& co. KG (DG-Verlag) 2003 in Berlin founded. With his publisher offer DG aimed primarily at the man interested in success, lifestyle, luxury & style. The success of the book series “living and working in…” led to the outsourcing of the theme of hiking on your own book shop. Meanwhile, the DG-Verlag has the largest programme of German-language publications for stress and conflict-free (short-term or long-term) abroad.