Universal Telescope

The resulting image in the eyepiece will be different. There is an absolute limit the quality increase: the aperture in millimeters multiplied by 2. Further growth will increase not to add new details in the picture. The image will grow in size, but it will also more noise. It turns out better picture will be on a telescope with a large diameter lens! Additionally, you can buy any eyepieces that form the 'increase'.

What is the goal – a telescope! Select first telescope: The role of the first swallows may recommend to the 110-130 mm reflector Newtonian refractor 70-90 mm or 90-100 mm Maksutov-Cassegrain. Telescope for a child: Children usually are not as demanding instrument. Cheap 70-80 mm refractors and reflectors will feel your child all the charm of exploring the starry sky. Observations of the planets: To study the planets, the best option would be 120-150 mm refractor. These tools have no central obscuration, and hence give a clear contrast images. Observations of distant objects space: For observations of faint galaxies, clusters and nebulae, the best tool to be 200-250 mm reflector with equatorial mount or mount Dobson.

Universal Telescope: Telescopes in this category ugotovleny people did not decide which space objects will be seen in the first place. For such is better to take 100-120 mm refractor, reflector, 130-150 mm or 127 mm use short-throw refractor. Telescope for astrophotography: The photographs of celestial objects at long exposures is useful to you stable equatorial mount with smooth running, equipped with motors along two axes. Telescope for ground-based observations: For the exploration of terrestrial objects at a time of short-focus refractor and Maksutov-Cassegrain telescopes, which are equipped with oborachivayuschey prism (a prism gives direct image) and azimuth mount. And where is the unearthly beauty, as in those pictures? Do not forget that photos of Cosmos, which you see on the excellent pictures, obtained by professionals from major observatories. This you have in your home telescope will never see! But even today, amateur astrophotography at home will allow, with minor financial outlay and patience to get good pictures of objects Cosmos