Trade Union

More than half of entrepreneurs (56.3%) believe that employers are obsolete.70% Of workers and nearly 50% of entrepreneurs considers bad or regular role of their associations in negotiating the reform of employment. Two-thirds of workers (66%) reject the pension reform, although 22% of them consider it to be the best deal in the current environment. These are the main data obtained from the report of the labour market carried out by InfoJobs in 2011. Most persons in employment, whether self-employed workers or Spanish businessmen, feel poorly represented currently by associations trade unions and employers, as it can be seen from the opinion survey on the labour market. The report also reflects the rejection widespread reform of pensions approved by the Government, and analyzes the views of workers and entrepreneurs about the movement of the outraged. DISTRUST widespread in unions and employers as regards the acceptance of the current work of the trade unions, 70.3% of the workers are not well represented; among them, a 19.2% pointed out that they have lost power of negotiation and a 51.5% shows still more critical and believes that trade unions only look for their interests. Among its own members, 48.5% don’t feel represented in his job by the Trade Union to which it belongs. Although to a lesser extent than the workers, the majority of self-employed and entrepreneurs nor trusts employers associations.

A 58.5% is not considered to be well represented; among them, a 18.8% believes that they have lost force and a 45.3% who only look for their interests. 33.2% Of employers don’t feel represented by the employer that is associated with. In relation to the specific role of Trade Union and employer organizations in the negotiation of the recent reforms of the labour market, 70.2 per cent of workers rejected the work of trade unions (39.2% qualifies it bad and a 31%, regular), while 20.5% consider that it has been good. For its part, 49.3% of freelancers and entrepreneurs is shown not satisfied before the role of their associations (27.3% qualifies you regulate and 22%, bad), to only 18% that valued it as good. Despite the distrust pervasive before the work of the associations, more than half of the workers (53.2%) still considered valid model of Union representation, compared with 45.9% who believe it is outdated. Conversely, self-employed workers and entrepreneurs are more critical and a 56.3% believes that it is necessary to change current representation model for improving employment.