Trade Union

Requirements that make it at the same time the dynamics of the profession, including character Ethics, specifically when it is engaged in the profession and favorable results they demand competencies and skills necessary to exercise his function optimally and on suede claim to promote quality. New leadership, participatory, proactive, creative, innovative management of human interrelations. Conditions for exercising the Trade Union leadership. Perform functions under dependency ratio in different areas of public sector: management centralized, decentralized, governorates, municipalities, State enterprises, etc. Work in the private sector, production, finance, marketing, information technology, human resources, etc. Freely exercising the profession, through the establishment of a firm or organization or by partnering with other professionals.

Academic positions at institutes of higher education or any other exercise. Should be taken into account in addition to the various skills, that the future of effective administrators, must be framed within a series of individual characteristics that each of them should possess, such as: the desire to manage. The ability to communicate sympathetically. Integrity and honesty. A history of performance (experience) desire manage: successful managers possess a profound desire to manage, influencing others, and obtain results through joint efforts of subordinates. Certainly many people would enjoy the privileges offered by an administrative, such as category and high salary position, but would never get it if they lack the basic motivation for results through the creation of conditions in which people can work together in the fulfilment of common purposes. Communication and empathy skills: another important feature which administrators must possess is the ability to communicate clearly through written reports, letters, speeches and talks. Communication demand clarity, but even more empathy.

This is the ability to understand the feelings of others and manage the emotional aspects of communication. Communication skills are important for effective Intergroup communication, that is, for communicating with persons of the same organizational unit. Integrity and honesty: Administrators should possess a high moral quality and be trustworthy. In your case, integrity means honesty in money matters and in dealing with others, the effort of keeping informed his superiors, the commitment to truth in all circumstances, strength of character and conduct in keeping with the ethical standards. A history of performance: this represents a very important feature; the background to the performance will provide a reliable prognosis on the performance of the future administrator. Definitely the management graduates have great opportunities to rescue his image, actively participate in the management of the companies that need and ensure operability, especially in a business sector that is in crisis. We hope that schools, its Federation, the schools of Administration should be identified with the reality of the current scenario that faces the country, give him passage to a new profile of the administrator and this allows companies to be guided by professional proactive, able to generate changes, provide solutions that favor him. 8/3/09 Original author and source of the article.