Trade Love

Answering, however, Simo, said: You supplicate you for me the Mr., so that nothing of what you have said she comes on me. e. To glorify Mr. Ressurreto? At.

7:55: ‘ ‘ But it, full of the Espirito Santo, looking the eyes in the sky, saw the glory of God, and Jesus in foot to the right of God ‘ ‘ f. To be our Guide in the Ministry? At. 16:7 – 10: ‘ ‘ and having fond ahead of the Msia, they tried to go for Bitnia, but the Spirit of Jesus did not allow it to it. Then, passing for the Msia, they had gone down the Trade. Of night this vision appeared Pablo: he was in foot a man of the Macedonian there, who supplicated to it: It passes the Macedonian and it helps us. when it had this vision, we soon looked for to leave for the Macedonian, concluding that God had called in them for them to announce evangelho’ ‘. g.

To give communion to us? Fp. 2:1: ‘ ‘ Therefore, if it has some exhortation in Christ, if some consolao of love, if some communion of the Spirit, if some you penetrated affection and compassions. ‘ ‘ h. To spill the love of Christ in our hearts? Rm. 5:5: ‘ ‘ the hope does not disappoint, inasmuch as the love of God is spilled in our hearts for the Espirito Santo that in them was dado’ ‘. i. To teach it to us to walk n? It? Rm. 8:4,5: ‘ ‘ so that the joust requirement of the law if according to fulfilled in us, that we do not walk meat according to, but Spirit. Therefore the ones that are according to meat incline for the things of the meat; but the ones that are according to Spirit for the things of the Esprito’ ‘.