It has much people for there losing the family without perceiving. Family is as garden, needs cares every day special. When somebody does not take care of with affection of its family, it loses it a little more, and many do not obtain to understand where moment that so happy family, so joined and pleasant if became a group of cold people, distant and disinterested. We do not have to use our family to reach objectives, the family is the objective. Many would change to the shining career that had conquered, the valuable goods that they had acquired and the influential friends who had made for its families in return. This because it has much people who only coexist the members of the family, but focam with determination the external conquests. A great deceit, if not to take care of every day of the family, it ' ' murcha' ' , the garden is ugly and leaves to exhale the soft aroma of the harmony and the complicity. To take care of of the family it does not need to have much money, does not need to change of car all year and nor to construct a mansion, these things alone have value will be had, in fact, a family for detrs of them, in case that contrary, will be only inanimate ownerships, without life and incapable to cheer and to move.

To take care of of the family she is necessary to have time, and as this is each time more rare, is necessary ' ' fazer' ' time, to open hand of some things that are important, but not essential, the family is essential. She is necessary to love and to demonstrate love. The biggest demonstration of love for somebody is to be with this somebody, exactly that it is making simple things extremely and pparently of small account, however close one it another one. Spouses need to love themselves and if to tan, independent of the time of married that they have, to walk of given hands (the car separates the couples, therefore it prevents the touch), to kiss the face, to fondle the hair and to laugh together. The parents need to look in its children and to perceive them. As it is difficult the times to perceive the children, mainly if these already are adolescent or young. Protecting children who if feel loved and grow and blossom as plants in ground fertile. It has much people for there losing the family. They are investing in other things, many times with the good intention of if preparing to live better days with the spouses and children, but, for many of these, these days simply will not arrive, and if to arrive, nor always the family will be there for tanning together.