The Years

I am not new to loud lamentation, explicit requirements and "hysteria" child, when you visit a children's shop, where there is always a 'physical' need for a new toy. Which tricks are not only our children have resorted to to achieve from our performance most treasured purchases: tears, promises, threats, from the magic word "please" to "I do not love you" …. Tears of the children are always present when they are forced to deny something. The psyche of a child not yet knows the set of "sneaky" methods to satisfy their desires, which can be obtained without tears, the children are open to their emotions and tears, this is the simplest of them. Adults over the years, learn to control your emotions. But child is simple and naive, and mourning his always candid, it's hard not be be what it actually is.

Looking into the eyes of a baby, tear-filled living, my thoughts drifted to their memories, when that's exactly the same to me, in my childhood, refused to buy for me a very important and necessary. Conclusions were made with ease: "I do not like," I am the worst of all, "I was not lucky with the parents," I am very unhappy …. I distinctly remembered a small washing machine, which I unreservedly rejected as a subject of expensive and unnecessary. So she stayed on the counter in a row with other toys in my memory as an unrealized dream. I remembered how I swore: what – whatever was to buy a machine of his daughter, which, of course, I have nothing to deny, and never will …