The Wonderful World Of Rice

Starting the year with the first column in this space Web Dalilas Gourmet, before wish you to family, friends, and our readers a happy new year 2009. The reason why we started writing about rice is motivated in the presentation of the web page Dalilas Gourmet, whose initial release message is rice and more!; the preparation of rice is one of our specialties. Rice is a cereal that is cultivated worldwide, there are more than 40,000 varieties of rice and more than half of the world population eats rice as basic dish. Next to the wheat flour rice is one of the world’s most important food. It is an almost miraculous cereal, because it provides the opportunity to prepare countless dishes. Rice is consumed cooked, hot or cold, sweet or savoury preparations. Is also tasty, yielding, easy-to-prepare and economical; contains lots of nutrients; good source of carbohydrates and helps us to have good digestion. If It was little, is low in fat and contains no cholesterol.

The rice plant are obtained flour and starch, rice pasta, noodles and noodles so popular in oriental cuisine and even brandy of rice or sake manufactured in the Japan. The United States exported this grain to more than 100 countries and it is the second largest exporter of this product. Is classified into three categories: the elongated shape rice known as rice long-grain, which gastronomically speaking, is used to the paellas, rice dishes and salads; rounded rice known as rice round grain, used to make risottos Italian in addition to all types of desserts such as arroz con leche and little long rice called rice from Asia, short grain, which is used to make the famous dim sum Chinese, Japanese sushi and some desserts. This classification are derived from a variety of rice dishes: rice long-grain, precooked rice, instant rice, arboreal rice, brown rice, bismati rice, wild rice. Rice specialties are around the world. In the India and the Middle East, the pilaf rice that is cooked Browning the rice in butter or oil hot before cooking broth, to keep the grains separate.

The Japanese used the higher starch content of rice to make sushi; in china served in breakfast dish known as congee. In Thailand steamed rice is prepared so sticky that you can eat with your hands. In Spain and Latin America (from Mexico to Patagonia) prepares the rich rice with chicken flavoured with tomatoes, peppers, onions, peas and sweet pepper or spicy (Chili) and is painted yellow with annatto, yellow colour or oil of yaguaraparo. Special mention for the world-famous Spanish paella dish containing a mixture of chicken, seafood, sausages, pork and vegetables, that saffron contributes its yellow color. Finally here in United States prepare the Jambalaya a version of paella, which is prepared in New Orleans, based on ham and shrimp, saffron substituting the cayenne pepper. Also New Orleans dirty rice whose name is that in its preparation takes chicken liver. Due to its absorbing power, rice is soaked easily in liquid or fat. It normally comes to triple its volume to cook it. The objective is to obtain a firm grains that do not cling between if and absorb the desired taste. The exception is the rice pudding, which should be creamy. The basic forms of cooking are: steaming (about 25 to 30 minutes), boiled or with fat.We ended this week with the recipe of the week prepared with a fat Persian Rice Pilaf.