The Temptation

You can have the temptation to request boxes to the store of the corner, nevertheless, perhaps the forms and sizes do not agree with your objects. It is better than you buy boxes of standard and special size for articles like televisions, videos and photos. The envelope paper can be broken, but the plastic bubble can be used in several occasions, he is cleaner and, by its transparency, it makes the identification easier of contents. Purchase more tape of the one than you think that you are going to need. Many people end up needing more tape the one than they had thought at the time of packing. In this aspect the personnel of the company of miniwarehouses can ayudarte. For your convenience, articles like boxes, plastic bubble and tape are on sale in some of the facilities of the companies of rent of miniwarehouses. Empaca in boxes.

It fits everything what you can. Any thing that is going to be stored can be stained of dust, so more bond than is in boxes. Full all the boxes to its maximum capacity. The content in half empty boxes can leave during the transport or the load. In addition, the corners and the sides can colapsar if there is no support. In order to fill up the spaces that are empty it uses clothes or sheets. It surrounds all the fragile articles like plates, glasses, adornments, etc., separately.

All these elements must be firmly surrounded in resistant boxes. Full the empty spaces with stuffed paper or. in squares marks to the fragile legend that contain delicate articles. It labels clearly all the boxes in more of a side so that you can identify the content. As far as books, empcalos smoothly not to damage its backs. Other articles of packing? When you are going to empacar your clothes, it thinks about investing in a box of closet that has a bar to hang.