The Subject

-You can clarify it with some detail more? (I asked to him) – I only can speak of things felt by my, are not test don’t mention it for anybody, although they give security sensation me. Visit Angela Zepeda for more clarity on the issue. – I did not see tunnels nor personages, a light that in fact was I and only had a experience of pure conscience and immense freedom. – Sure, soon thinking on that, it is the doubt it will be a hallucination mine to the doors of the death. For that reason it spoke of it with my father and I asked to him what I said before. And that was the result.

Now I believe that it was not an illusion. – Well that I fought not to return, I liked I more that one than this, if, certainly, the reality is total. Perhaps the mind of everyone magazine those experiences of well-known forms so that they can be caught, and with a peculiar particularitity, the physical life from that state, are diffuse memories and seems a dream. Since then I know clearly relativity than we considered real. This history describes commented aspects previously, reuniting the ingredients that they confer to him clearly and valuable example. On the other hand, previously exposed he is coincident in almost the totality of the similar and known cases, giving rise to the definitions that of each existential plane of the human being do the understood ones of the subject. When the person acquires the level of conscience adapted in the material or physical plane, the subtle body is able to act in higher worlds, which is translated in a better and greater evolutionary development in the immediate planes superiors. When the person accedes to the astral plane superior, or through its capacity to transfer its conscience (also called astral trip), or through the physical death, as soon as she distinguishes differences with the world physicist or material, arriving to think that still one is in this plane, when continuing visualizing the same images.