The Menstrual Cycle Requires Special Attention

These menstrual irregularities, as too heavy or too meager monthly long considered one of the main symptoms of the work of female reproductive system. However, quite often women, because shame or disdain for health, ignore this fact. But these symptoms are only the first call, heralding the appearance of a woman's body may very serious gynecological diseases. Prolonged bleeding during the menstrual cycle a woman is harassed. She enjoys nothing, nothing and no one wants to look like the days of one another as twins; menzosa waiting – a waiting woman weakness, exhausting cares associated with this rather painful condition.

For the occurrence of such a state, there are many different reasons. But among them there are two main groups. The first group includes effects of inharmonious sexual life, which is present not only in the lonely people, but also couples. There are plenty of ways to bring in the rate of this beautiful aspect of human life. But almost every woman finds herself an intuitive individual ways of solving this problem, when she realizes the importance of harmonious marital relations. There are other causes of menstrual disorders: poor nutrition in childhood, lack of fresh air, a weak spleen and much more. Here can help to create the nature of plants. The most important – of all varieties to choose, plant species able to provide a healing effect. In such cases, depending on the season, doctors recommend that you add food: petals of asters, sorrel, beets, mountain ash, pumpkin, St. John's wort, strawberry, tangerine, carrot, peppermint, plantain, Kalina, nettle, orange.