The Fourth War

Louis XII also died without an heir to the French throne. Since 1515, his son and cousin to Francois d'Angouleme Queen since the name of Francois I. The continuing war soon in Italy and remembered getting a significant victory in Marignan. Six years into his reign, Francois I and Emperor Charles V of Germany triggered the first war in Italy ended with the military disaster of Pavia in 1525, and the Treaty of Paris which is lost by France, the duchy of Burgundy and the heritage of Italy. Two years later become the kings themselves to face in the second war in Italy which, in turn, ends with the Treaty of Peace Ladies and Cambrai, for which France Bourgogne recover.

The third Italian War begins in 1536 and concludes with the truce of Nice, two years later. The Fourth War of Italy also lasts two years and is finished with the Peace of Crepy, favorable to the emperor. In France, in short, it is common that the multiple interventions of Francois I and Henri II in Italy, and the stubborn fight for the Duchy of Milan are just excuses to face the great-grandson of Charles Le Temeraire, Charles V ! France, finally, increased end this long conflict in which the primacy was played mainly in Europe and the domination of trade routes. The France of Francois I is the artistic Renaissance and the beginning of the modern state. A case in point is the fact itself of the enactment in 1539, the Edict of Villers-Cotterets ordering that future judicial acts, records of baptisms and burials are written in French and never again in Latin.