The Failure

The reality is that they base all their conduct to conquer in the idea that if insists, they are very sensual and/or shows the attractive aspects that they own, are going to manage to conquer wing person who interests to them. This idea, although seems logical, in fact works in few cases. What it really is very attractive they are other attitudes that use little. What usually they do can suddenly be showy, but tends to be disagreeable shortly after. On the other hand, the personality of these men and women causes that they have very many to his favor and is easy that they are much more successful in the conquest if they learn to use some specific techniques. They are emotional strategies that will make them be more sensible to the situations and to understand more what is in particular going to be attractive for a person. Most important it is than they get to realize of which they are the attitudes that are hindering to them. Two possibilities between the causes exist that motivate their way to act and that are the key so that they dominate the art of the conquest, but that usually complicates the situation to them.

The first possibility is that at heart they are scared to the rejection and the failure. And although they have learned to handle this fear, its way to do it is not adapted for the conquest. The second possibility is that its personality has formed with some habits that not them they allow to establish relations with the sufficient naturalness and depth. These two situations are easy to solve with the suitable techniques. When using them he will be simple to locate the exact attitudes and techniques to use so that the people of their interest react of the best way. In addition with those strategies its open and dangerous personality abre to them to live very many satisfactions.