The Decalogue

The disappearance of seriousness and the respect that must exist in all the acts witnessed by notary public and to its regulations who is elaborated for the effect, are the indicative of which the sindresis in the human behavior no longer is the substantial axis to have a formed criterion. Formality, good sense, observance to the norms, are the incentive of the civilidad, the sociability of the towns, each of their citizens and citizens, since it is convincing sample of the evolution that is happening in the life of the human beings. It not only has to be respectful and serious, but, to demonstrate it, to show it in each one of the social, political acts, etc., in short, at every moment that the daily work therefore demands it to us. When there is no east imponderable habit, when there is custom no to generate and to give maturity example, the credibility conducts by the difficult dilemma of the citizen and citizen to consider if it is truth or lie the capacity of organization, direction and neutrality in the programmed acts. It is to understand, unquestionably, that at the time of the accomplishment of any event, difficulties of last hour in the direction of the same appear, but, it is not less certain that, it is necessary to solve them with the ethics characteristic of the norm that then is in use.

There are no reservations that are worth; there are no excuses that interpose in the reality of the facts; there are no subterfuges that allow to leave less by the tangent at the thought moment. Doubtlessly that, in all the accomplishments of the social and political acts, the human profile of each of its actors this in the arena and the optics of the colectivity: candidates, candidates, coidearios, signallers, journalists are immersed; this makes think that, is necessary to act with diffuseness, where qualities and virtues must be the regulators of the behavior. The Decalogue of the Lawyer of E.J. Couture, exhorts to study, to work, to think, to fight, to be loyal, to tolerate, to have patience and faith, to forget and to love profesin" , this arranges and so it sends the ethics journalistic, inclusively, concerning to keep the professional secret that is to have and a right. The principle of Couture says: " Your to have it is to fight by the Right, but the day, in which you find in conflict the right with justice, fights by justicia". And to fulfill the service to the society, the town, is to have, is social function that impels to the citizen and citizen, also to set out questions, to offer solutions and to wait for answers with tacit reflections that they impel the development of a society. All this mechanism of seriousness and respect; of qualities and virtues; of generating habits of ethics and values morals; and of faithful fulfillment to regulations it express, is civilidad, great argument of the human evolution. Original author and source of the article.