The Concerns Also Paralyze

PS. Fernando Alexis Jimenez Mario Andres concerns left him paralyzed. No, it wasn’t a progressive degeneration of muscles result of concerns or something of the style. It happened one Sunday late in the afternoon. He considered that there was no outlet for their problem.

Days earlier he had been notified by the Bank that had hired a credit on the embargo of his house. He wore several quotas any unamortized, and exhausted the legal process, they threatened to take away everything. His wife, desperate by the situation and by the apparent tranquillity of Mario Alfonso, decided to abandon it. It was with their two small children. Nobody paid attention to their concerns. All considered, now that he was immersed in problems, they had much to do and gave it back. It was then that he realized that he had no friends.

I didn’t have anyone. It took the decision in the middle of the lowest state of desperation. Not worth living, he reasoned, and jumped into the vacuum from the fifth floor of the apartment building where he lived. The attempt was unsuccessful. He gave stumble and lessened the drop falling into a parasol. Finally he gave against the pavement. He suffered multiple fractures. In short, the concerns left Mario Alfonso paralytic. Do not allow to take force if there is something that we cannot take force in our existence, are the concerns. They peek into our lives, but they should not gain ground. The decision is of everyone. Nobody can press us. We are you and I who open you space. When they emerge, we must not carry us up over not being able to but, on the contrary, undergo difficulties the good God and Lord. Jesus Christ recommended his disciples and also to us: come to me who are weary and burdened, than I am I will make them rest. Accept my teaching and learn from me that I am patient and humble. With me you will find rest. My teaching is welcome and my upload is easy to carry (Matthew 11: 28-30). Do not store problems until they burst. That is not God’s wonderful plan for your life. On the contrary, it is to put every obstacle in an attempt to find peace in their hands. With his unlimited power, there is no complication that persists. Try it. Only so can test the effectiveness of trust in that which can do everything.