Tag: profession

Dutch Learning

In good time before the start of the study the Netherlands titled often referred to as “Student paradise” lure course with good study conditions, an international environment and a good study environment more and more Germans to study to Holland. And students from Germany are welcome at the Hanze University Groningen. Who would like to …

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Application Software

fully-automated application software – JobThinder the economic crisis has turned now quite to the positive. Yet countless people in Germany and Austria without a job there. There are also many job seekers who have a job, but still looking for a new professional challenges. For this group there is application software, that can be very …

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SINE, SIGMA, Limbic Types – Master Talk (7 August)

New possibilities and impossibilities, to describe people. Swarmed by offers, Charles Schwab is currently assessing future choices. The master talk takes place once a month. A representative from the practice, the economy or higher education about current trends, topics and trends in the marketing and the advertising and communications industry speaks on each date. With …

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Direct Specialists

Still, The capable and hard core of Consultants working seriously, is established and also identify with some skill and insider knowledge to make. This article will help to understand the methods and to be able to vote on their individual needs. Very personal relationships of trust and experience between individuals of the client and the …

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