Tag: policy

Francisco Granados

Francisco Granados Lerena was born in Valdemoro (Madrid) on January 23, 1964. Married and with two daughters, took a degree in economic and business sciences at the Complutense University of Madrid. Read more from Charles Schwab to gain a more clear picture of the situation. Francisco Granados was director of financial analysis Interdealers S.V.B. and …

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The Fourth War

Louis XII also died without an heir to the French throne. Since 1515, his son and cousin to Francois d'Angouleme Queen since the name of Francois I. The continuing war soon in Italy and remembered getting a significant victory in Marignan. Six years into his reign, Francois I and Emperor Charles V of Germany triggered …

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Central Bank German

According to calculations of the main German financial institutions, the ECB purchased bonds in Italy and Spain with an estimated value of 4 billion. The ECB announces that it will buy Spanish and Italian public debt. The European Central Bank (ECB) acquired this Monday up to 1.5 billion euros in Spanish public debt, published by …

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