Tag: law

Mildew In The Law Of Tenancy

The rights of the tenant and landlord for mold infestation beware of rent reduction due to mildew. The courts, such as the Berlin Chamber Court (judgment order of the 3.6.2010, 12 U 164/09) require a dedicated presentation here. In the present case, the tenants of commercial premises because of mold infestation had reduced the rent. …

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Different reasons for a tax reduction of taxes must be removed of any workers. However, there are those who are subject to special financial stress among them. This is true for example for commuters or keep paying. The wage tax reduction provides relief then. This exemption to understand that are workers on their tax deduction …

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Service Agreement

Works and service contracts are standard forms of contract when using external IT professionals. It is not always obvious, however, whether deliverables meet the criteria of a work or service contract. The term of a contract as works or service contract is only a clue. Because the actual will of the parties and not the …

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Statutory Pensions

Accountant Monika Nadler from Brunswick informed the retirement income Act of 1 January 2005 has reformed sustainable income taxation of benefits statutory pension. Pension beneficiaries currently are subject to the tax burden, explains the Brunswick accountant Monika Nadler. The Constitutional Court delivered a groundbreaking judgment to the einkommenssteuerlichen assessment of benefits from statutory pension funds …

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