Tag: history

Automobile Club

Took a taxi back several hundred years ago, in 1639, when it was introduced first license for carting. Then coachmen used fairly heavy and bulky four-wheel carriages, "hekni" in the winter they focused on the insulation. They were replaced only in 1840 to more maneuverable two-wheeled gigs, "cabs". Also, while there were also double and …

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Historical Chronicle

Rybinsk … A resident of the other end will connect the name above all with a huge water mirror of the largest artificial lake in the world. Maybe someone will remember the former "capital of the boatmen", Yaroslavl explicitly call some huge plants located in the city. About Fish settlement settlement (in the future town …

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Another Form

The thought of Good in this topic demonstrates the accepted cultural concept in addition until then, of a culture uniform, without contours. As example the common sense can be mentioned that uses the word culture of maken a mistake form ' ' that culture is less avanada' '. What it sends in them of certain …

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Barcelona Marine Dominion

Barcelona to its prosperity and wealth was obliged to sea. City once dominated the Mediterranean Sea. In Barcelona, there was a huge port, where there was a Royal Navy, who was competing with the fleets of Genoa and Venice. C This port Catalans went to the conquest of the Balearic Islands, the port came after …

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Barcelona Maritime

His meteoric rise in the Middle Ages, Barcelona must, above all, his udobnomugeograficheskomu position. The city is located by the sea and the bay of Barcelona yavlyaetsyasamoy large and comfortable in the western region Mediterranean Sea. Military domination of Barcelona vSredizemnom sea began to hike the First Jaume the Conqueror, who zavoevalostrova Mallorca and Ibiza, …

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Don Lucho

It was common to see for any street of the commune, always wearing suits with buttoned chaque and that own doctors of yore, medium plump Briefcase walking and constantly stopping to greet how passerby it is crossed by the way, was that gift to people as say my grandmother than don Lucho, as many lovingly …

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Africa History

When thinking about Africa is as an automatic message the co-relation between slavery, misery and exploration on the part of the Europeans. Still we are inserted in one eurocntrica appearance that persists in encircling the pertaining to school banks, creating a certain imaginary occidental person on Africa. This positioning is ratified in the words of …

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Winston Churchill

General Charles de Gaulle already foresaw that the strategy of prohibited was exceeded, the soldiers was up to 9 days without action, waiting superior authorization, whereas the forces German used of rapidity and aggressiveness. The French forces if had fixed in the border with Belgium waiting a possible attack come of this border, since from …

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To remove the humanity of the Jews was one of the basic tasks for the project of systematic death of this people. E, what everything seems, the nazistas had had success in this operation. Stories of survivors show as this reality was hard. One of them, that it did not pass for the Campos30, wrote …

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Society Reaction

Interesting to also perceive that from the moment that if festeja the Abolition, is demonstrated that the past was discarded with all its moral and social delay, in order to establish new on elements of the identity under the form of ample participation of diverse in such a way civil sectors how much military who …

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