Tag: health and beauty

Diets For Acid Stomachs

Options without acid fats and assist in the recovery of the stomach You already felt queimao in the stomach or already it was caught to the mumblings because of that bothering pain in the high one of the belly? These are some of the symptoms of the gastrite, that also include nauseas, folloied or not …

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Diabetic Patients

The lack of orientaes related to the feeding, use of medications, habits of hygiene, cares with dressings, sleep and rest and many others can provoke serious risks high the hospital one of the patient after. One knows that many times the patient receives high hospital with no necessary orientation to the continuity of its treatment …

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Surgeon Health

OdontologiA odontologia as few knows, does not enclose the dental arches simply, but also all the estomatogntico system, that understands the face, the neck and there yes the buccal socket, enclosing bones, mastigatria musculatura, joints, teeth and fabrics. To the practicing professionals of Odontologia if of the o name of objective main Dentista.O Surgeon since …

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Pregnancy Vitamins

The good feeding and a healthful nutrition is primordial with regard to the success of a gestation. In this period if it becomes important the cares still more with the ingestion and with the vitaminic suplementao and of minerals. Most of essential vitamins and minerals for a good formation of the embryo is found in …

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Brazilian Society

Its conquest of the world if makes on deep an tonic-emotional one, persisting and becoming closer dependent of all its history affective, exactly deepest. Knowledge on the relationary and functional psicimotricidade With regard to the answers of the questions in the category above, was evidenced that 4 professors have knowledge on relationary and functional psicomotricidade …

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