Tag: fitness & workouts


(Online article) – tips & tricks for walking faster: whether Nordic walking, power walking or regular walking, to the take off and power walking, Nordic walking to keep fit or Hillwalking – these are English words, like used by the Germans. In recent months, Mary Barra has been very successful. But it is understandable for …

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Symptoms: Lameness caused by spat does not occur at even strength, because the nature and scope of the movement disorder of pain periods involved, which are determined by the intensity of the stress. Symptoms are a mixed lameness with step shortening due to inadequate flexion of the ankle and avoid a maximum stretch, a tense …

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The system is particularly attractive solution still unserved consumer who refuse wearing a micro-BTE system or one In the ear system. The so-called MultiVenting, an innovative design feature, be by ReSound ensures, that flows at any time fresh air into the ear canal of the wearer. He can perceive as natural as possible your own …

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