Tag: finance

Soviet Citizens

The formula of "no rights workers – the absolute master," as the latter had not called, is far from a real democracy, in her political rights of Soviet citizens in the election of the supreme legislative organs of the state not supported by their economic rights in the main link of the social mechanism – …

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January Loan

Collection of disparate financial institutions offering various business credit services, can be regarded as system only if they are built stable financial relationships between its various elements – banks, credit cooperatives, leasing companies, venture capital funds aimed at providing, storage, management and redistribution, in the end, the attraction of financial resources. Unacceptable if the state …

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The most risky choice of mortgage product is in circulation – its banks estimate extremely low – by a factor of 0,4 to 0,5. Not everyone knows that there is a possibility of taking a pledge not only available but also acquired property. In this case, bank transfers the loan amount directly to the supplier, …

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Zero Percent Loan

Make a car in the court and at the same time not to pay for rate established in the form of the loan. Most still are suspicious of every kind offers of credit institutions with a flattering offer. Yet one guilty pay the price of the courts. Let's see what of myself is of a …

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New Opportunities In Crisis

Still remember the terrible times of the end of 2008, when the whole world economy was shaken and we are all anxiously looking to the future. Some were fired from their jobs, someone has lost half of their income, some business or completely collapsed was not selling, here it is globalization in all its glory. …

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