Tag: energy

Marine Mammal Protection Act

“A dolphin-deadly’ tuna label to the sharp U.S. rules for the import of dolphin-friendly” to circumvent caught tuna “the IATTC 2001 picked up the agreement on the international dolphin conservation program” (AIDCP) launched with an own dolphin safe label “. International conservation organizations such as the EII reject this label as death certificate for dolphins”off, …

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Environmental Protection

Ecological thinking and sustainable planning should be given a high priority in trade fair construction. Environmental protection is a rather small written topic in trade fair construction. Booth builders are characterized by wasteful disposal of much of their construction materials. Only in the construction of relatively inexpensive system, this waste is limited by materials on …

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The Ostfalia University

Or better: A high-efficiency pump is installed. Electronically controlled heating pump controls the performance depending on the needs of self-employed. This significantly reduces electricity costs because the heating pump works so most of the time when the thermostats are closed in the partial-load range. Owners recognize these models, that the power (P1) on the front …

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