Tag: auto & moto

Audi One

Who is at the base was on the road? The classic victim of the bases was riding on a relatively new domestic car or foreign car the middle class, indirectly confirming solvency. The car is usually only driver – extra witnesses are not wanted, and without psychological support to victims are more complicated. Tightly toned …

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Often, the insurance companies have accredited independent appraisers. In cases where compensation insurance company when the injured party arranges the size of payments, or estimates for repairs, of course is sufficiently regular assessment expert. However, more often it turns out that the insurance company wants to reduce the size of payments. In this case, involved …

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MotorCar Problems

Every day hundreds of car owners are faced with numerous problems associated with the accident, the passage of Motor-Car and obtaining insurance. Whom it will seem not so big problem, but for someone Motor-Car goes "sideways." Around the Motor-Car There is a lot of myths and disputes that can not be called unreasonable. First, many …

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Psychology Of The Auto-buying: Pink Splashes, Special Glasses And Credit

Times confused now cleaner than the intricacies of human dna. It is, this is the dna as a keeper of human experience, remembers when the car was the idea. She remembers how the car was a miracle, then the tool movement, then a luxury item. Now everything is mixed: the luxury, the Chinese assembly, Ukrainian …

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