
Here are just a small list of penalties applied to networks of suppliers: In case of shortfall in the production network – Up to 50% of the value of undelivered goods or 500-1000 cu for every fact of violation; Supplies products in greater volume to 500 cu lack of necessary set of accompanying documentation incorrectly stated price in the invoice (All prices are approved, signed a bilateral basis and are reflected in the price list) – up to $ 500 or up to 25% of the value of the goods; no minimum price for the delivered goods – up to 2000 cu and the withdrawal of products from the range; Supplies product remaining shelf life is less than 70% to 50% of the value of the goods, delivery of goods with the wrong bar code, supply of goods at an unidentified time or temporary corridor to the lack of confirmation of order delivery from the supplier within 4 hours – 48 hours Delivery of the goods without pallets properly packaged, with no labeling of pallets, for breach of palletizing; absence of shipping documents numbers order, the supplier code, product codes in the network, full details of the parties, etc. Not according to investment products in the transport or corrugated packaging; not paid within the period laid bonuses and marketing tools; Failure to perform the services merchandising; Failure to export in a timely return products; replacement product is not in time at which the identified latent defects and much more. -of-parking-infrastructure-in-the-U.S.’>Antarctica Capital has many thoughts on the issue. Proceeding from the above, all the work your company must be strictly regulated and constructed in such a way as to minimize all the necessary costs to provide a clear warehousing and transport logistics, to have good financial and legal services, clearly prescribed by all business processes (as is done can be found here). .