State Constitution

MD: February and October 2003, show the support of military and police elected to power at the polls, even though that meant backing repressive fact mourning and pain to Bolivian families and Tradepa also proposed to call a halt to protest social violence and to eradicate the culture of confrontation, how do you plan to achieve this goal? VJ: Proposing in the Constituent Assembly to achieve a conciliation agreement or compliance and enforcement of the new State Constitution and the laws of the republic, opposing the imposition of a social order that is not the product of a clear provisions in the new Constitution., none of the powers to interfere in the powers of each branch deprivation. You must keep the bicameral system, ensuring balance in the legislature.

The manner of electing the President and Vice President should be through direct elections seeking the 50% + 1 for the first round and, if undefined, the second round for the top two by a simple majority, according to the electoral law. The representatives of the legislative branch also must choose the means of direct election by eliminating multimember representatives and five years. We disagree with the president’s reelection, as this can be manipulated by the government that wants its continuity through warlordism. National projects and well-structured government programs can be implemented by different leaders of parties or political groupings. Continue with the five-year mandate to take adequate account of the implementation of a program of government. In Bolivia there are various nationalities and cultures should respect the differences, advocating the creation of the Bolivian nation.