Society Reaction

Interesting to also perceive that from the moment that if festeja the Abolition, is demonstrated that the past was discarded with all its moral and social delay, in order to establish new on elements of the identity under the form of ample participation of diverse in such a way civil sectors how much military who would participate of the festejos. In this direction, we conceive the tradition of the parties of redemption of the city of Belm as a supported attempt of social transformation in an ideology that if moved away from the traditions of the empire led for Peter II. In this meantime, the invented traditions had really needed ' ' criar' ' new accessories or languages extending its vocabulary, working the historical continuation that is recurrent so that ' ' traditions inventadas' ' they can be established. From the consideraes of Hobsbawm on ' ' inventions of tradies' ' we find the category of analysis that we can fit the party of Abolition and redemption of the Slavery. In this aspect, we can observe these characteristics in the historical source below reproduced: Party of the freedom With imponent magestade and condigna of huge assumpto, celebrated before-hontem the party of the redempo of 3 districto of Belm, as it was annunciado. Since the 4 hours of the afternoon that the plaza of the Trindade, showy decorated, was pressed together of people.

In an elegant pavilion, express raised there for this end, it was found illustrious directoria of the Society Reaction against the slavery and plus other gentlemen. Inaugurated solemnemente the act of the president of the same o exm advising Mr. Paes of Andrade, diverse people had taken the word, similar to entertain the multitude with speeches analogous to huge objecto d? this solemnidade. Between these people we notareamos Mr. Pacheco, a young man who in them is unknown, a boy, alumno of the Atheneu Paraense that reciting a poetry, true chef d? acurre of inspiration and art, arrojo and fire of expression, warmly was applaudido by the multitude, being hugged by Frank the Tito council member of Almeida; ours collega Antonio de Carvalho who with sufficient energy reciting a poetry of its cultivates, expressive and livened up, also got of the people thundering ovaes; finally, Frank the Tito council member who in one bello improvisation, full of raised saturated concepts of irrefutable truths, more or less said, that the freedom is not arisen of (SIC), because ella never died, always wants ella existed, even though suffocated for the egoism, the preconception, the prejudice; that the day of the freedom of the slaves is the day of our proper freedom; that now we will have who better serves in them, because the mulato, the black color, the white has in the chest the same feelings and good who serves to well appreciates to them work; that the Brazil raised if on all the cultured nations of the Europe and America, in the way I pacify with that the slavery abolished, without spilling of blood and without money spilling of the thesouro (…) the freedom party that was described reflects the form well as the invented traditions are used with the main intention of socialization and the inculcao of ideas or systems of values and until same standards of behavior.