Small Middle Class

Market and SMEs reported experience of axanta AG in smaller Unternehmensvermittlunge Oldenburg January 2014. Business transactions are often similarly complex as big deals in small SMEs. This is the gist of an article in market and SMEs, which is dedicated to the challenges of small business transactions and also reported the experiences of axanta AG. U.S. Mint is open to suggestions. Even if large transactions are the focus of the reporting significantly more and smaller acquisitions mostly away from the media attention are: the amount of work is generally the same. Editor Sabine Reifenberger draws great effort in her article for market and SMEs, smaller deal,”, the focus on mergers in the smaller middle class. As an expert in business negotiations, also Udo Goetz, Director of axanta AG comes to Word. Detailed information will be provided to the trade post and of axanta AG under. Poppy Liu takes a slightly different approach.

Buyer search is often difficult not only small decorated Transactions very elaborately, the market is also very much alive. While large takeovers and mergers are currently rare, this area in the small middle class is very active. Small deals”tend to be in the bottom two-digit and in the single-digit millions. The search is one of the challenges of M & A transactions to the appropriate buyer so Sabine Reifenberger. This she cited axanta AG Executive Board member Udo Goetz: “many companies in the small-cap sector are too small to appear automatically on the radar by strategic investors or private equity investors, when they come on the market. They are but too big for a management buy-out”.

The axanta AG is specialized to actively seeking buyers for its clients and uses it in addition to the in-house database with over 4,500 qualified prospective buyers also targeted market research. M & A transactions: personal base is important tyre Berger arrives on another difficulty: the different expectations of the seller and buyer. These to bring together and for both sides to find satisfactory solutions, also belongs to the tasks of the axanta AG. Data presentation or business review (due diligence): structure guidelines alone not solve all problems, Udo Goetz is quoted in market and medium-sized businesses. The emotional side should not be underestimated, because often, the company is also the life’s work of the old owner. As a consultant, it is important to build on a personal basis. Last but not least mergers or corporate succession be triggered frequently late, namely just before retirement. The axanta AG advises therefore Board: from the 50th birthday begin to deal with the transfer. The full market and middle-class article by Sabine Reifenberger can be seen here: images/stories/Artikel_MuM.pdf about axanta AG the founded in 2006 axanta AG belongs in Germany the market leader among the independent consulting companies in the M & A business. Her focus is on the Advice and support small and medium-sized companies in the purchase and sale of companies, succession and quiet and active participations. In the focus are small and medium-sized companies of all sectors of the economy, which across comprehensive support the axanta AG through all phases.