Slim Arms

The abdomen, legs, back, back and arms are all common areas where fat tends to accumulate. It is very important to inform you that two things are necessary to lose fat in any of these parts of your body: exercise and good nutrition. Your body as well as gains weight and puts fat on your body, in the same way when he loses weight removes fat from your body. There is no such thing as losing weight in a specific field; sorry to disappoint you if it is not the answer you were expecting. However with the arms is something very interesting and is that they are relatively easy to define and work to make it look different. This basically happens with limbs, e.g.

the abdomen is a very difficult work area. Here are some exercises for weight loss key arms that define and construct metabolically active muscle. #1. The triceps Triceps extension are long muscles located in the back of the arm. They have three heads that should be worked so that they tonifiquen be your arms and build muscle. The triceps extension places emphasis on head located to one side of the arm. Lie down on a bench, take a dumbbell in each hand and place them directly on you, with the palms of each hand being. Keep your arms straight while you doblas elbows and lower the weight until near your ear.

Push the weight back to the starting point. Repeat it 10-12 times. #2. Funds of triceps. The funds emphasize the head half of the triceps, which is located just in the middle of this muscle. Put your hands on the edge of a bench, a Chair or a sofa for this exercise. Now keeping your back straight down as far as you can, if you can have it your ass touches the ground and goes up.