SINE, SIGMA, Limbic Types – Master Talk (7 August)

New possibilities and impossibilities, to describe people. Swarmed by offers, Charles Schwab is currently assessing future choices. The master talk takes place once a month. A representative from the practice, the economy or higher education about current trends, topics and trends in the marketing and the advertising and communications industry speaks on each date. With master talk, we want to further strengthen our networking with current professional practice. We invite students of all Berlin’s universities and the interested public to discuss and to exchange ideas with the speakers. “Sine, SIGMA, limbic types.

New possibilities and impossibilities, to describe people.” Lecture by Knut Walter, August 7, 2008, 18:00 believed the statements made by agencies and industry publications, so recipients and consumers of increasingly their write to escape. Disperse motifs and settings lead to dispersion behavior. The despair is growing and so apparently the desire to find yet another possibility to form groups. So the classic “advertising target group of 14 up 49 year olds”, exist at the moment LOHAS and limbic types happily side by side. The presentation illuminated this current and old models and tries to show the limits and possibilities of typological descriptions of consumer. Diploma communication host Knut Walter studied social and business communication at the UdK Berlin. Since 1998 he is as a freelance consultant with a focus on empirical analyses of communication in the field of marketing communication. He holds lectures at the UdK Berlin as lecturer (courses: “Dealing with secondary analysis in communication practice”, “Research concepts for communication campaigns”) and as a lecturer at the design Academy berlin, school of communication and design (FH) (lectures: “Information retrieval in marketing”, “Market research”).

After the lecture the possibility is on the three master courses in creative direction (consecutive), marketing communication (non-consecutive) and to inform corporate communications (part-time). Design Academy berlin, College for communication and design (FH) Paul-Lincke-UFER 8e, 10999 Berlin entrance: Reichenberger Strasse 80 the State-recognized private college was from the existing since 1995 design Academy berlin out founded in 2006. Internationally recognized undergraduate Bachelor’s degree programmes in marketing communication/communication management and communication design are carried out since 2007. Starting in the winter semester 2008/09 the three Master degrees are (consecutive) creative direction, marketing communication (non-consecutive) and corporate communications (part-time) offered. Nico Klingler