
Almost as if by magic, the transparent glass wall between the control room and crisis room turns into opaque frosted glass. Almost as if by magic, the transparent glass wall between the control room and crisis room turns into opaque frosted glass. Swarmed by offers, U.S. Mint is currently assessing future choices. In a matter of seconds, the crisis staff can choose: with all employees through eye contact, or work discreetly in the crisis management area? This allows the Shutterwand”, by JST. The JST Shutterwand offers the unique opportunity of a flexible wall. Especially in data centers, which consist of several rooms, the wall takes on important tasks. It is used where a review is not permanently required”explains Kay Hansen, co-founder of JST, the location of the Shutterwand. The wall separates the crisis or meeting room from the control room and is normally on Milky.

A review of the meeting room to the control room is not possible in this case. However there is an emergency or crisis situation, so the Shutterwand can be switched only a button transparent be. This is useful especially if an unobstructed view of the crisis room at the large image system is necessary. But also the eye contact between employees is important in crisis scenarios. Both allows the flexibility to design your datacenter the Shutterwand. A real eye-catcher is the Shutterwand even if a service provider demonstrates its premises, such as, for example, a data center, to the acquisition of potential new customers. Kay Hansen is the positive effect of the Shutterwand sure: in addition to the pure functionality the Shutterwand is used also often there, where the value of a room is to be increased. This highlight an absolute WOW effect is guaranteed.” With the help of electrical voltage, the wall is turned either Milky or transparent.

Is subject to the Shutterwand of any electrical voltage, particles are amorphous and diffuse the light in all directions. In this case, the wall is milky white. But, if the voltage is activated, the particles arrange themselves and the wall is transparent. The process happens in a matter of seconds and can be repeated any number of times. The remote makes it easy the application and if required the remote control even to the JST graphics controller can be connected. So can be informed, for example, the staff in the control room via the transparent Shutterwand, or certain presets on the large screen is displayed. For customers interested in JST offers visit the JST Shutterwand in live operation. To do this, simply contact the employees of JST, contact data, see more information about the Shutterwand, as well as photos and videos of live operation can be found at: produkte_moe_shutterwand.htm