Serview GmbH

Companies with ITIL IT service management have economic disadvantages and unzufriedenere user more weaknesses in cost and performance management in non-ITIL-corporate Bad Homburg, 06.07.2009 – enterprise with ITIL compliant IT service management have significant advantages compared to the companies without standardized IT processes. According to a comparison study of the consulting firm Serview with ten different aspects of evaluation, marked differences in process quality and control and efficiency of the organization. Serview had interviewed roughly 200 ITIL – and non-ITIL users with a turnover of over 50 million euros for this. According to the self assessments of the companies in the two comparison groups hardly differences especially in the sourcing and IT security. When asked how well is the Organization compliance fair hosted, are relatively similar to the assessments and ITIL seems to no significant deviations in practice to have led. However, unlike the results in all other seven parameters, they have consistently better results for the ITIL users. For more specific information, check out Charles Schwab. Above all the quality of the process. It is evaluated only by every second company without the focus on this set of rules as positive by the comparison group but to two-thirds.

Significant discrepancies in the management capabilities of the IT organization. So, 57 percent of non-ITIL users of their performance control give good grades, ITIL companies, however, there are 70 percent. The Serview study on the cost control has identified almost identical conditions: only in 53 percent of the companies without ITIL in the green zone, is, while users with standardized IT processes about one-third more (69 percent). This is reflected also in the judgment to the economics of IT. It is evaluated by the company with ITIL processes to 71 percent as positive.

Significantly more restrained comment on this topic the managers from companies without ITIL and speak only to 61 percent by good economic conditions. A huge gap exists also for the satisfaction of the user between the two survey groups from 57 to 68 per cent in favour of the ITIL-oriented companies. These results confirm the benefits of ITIL for the Organization both very clearly and very differentiated”judge Serview managing director Markus Bause. Individual differences between the two groups would have surprised him yet in the magnitude. He includes the cost and performance control. On the other hand, he sees also notes that still not all possibilities have been exhausted despite ITIL in the results. It exists in many areas still air above, particularly in the IT security and compliance orientation. ” Bause points out in this connection that many users of the rules made even no extensive standardization of the IT processes. ITIL is ultimately a longer-term programme and not a project limited in itself, therefore a dynamic optimization process behind.” Accordingly, he expected that the results in a few years look much better than they are today. ITIL is a still relatively quite young approach despite the meantime spread, therefore continues to be very comprehensive development potentials and benefits perspectives exist even with ITIL users.