Secondary School

Jorge and Maria were friendly from the primary school. Together they also made the school secondary. They were able to count the most intimate things without feeling shame the one of the other. They were known to each other as themselves as much. Maria knew very from youngster, not to mean to exaggerate and from girl, that she loved Jorge his heart yet.

But also she knew that Jorge wanted only it like his friend. For that reason never she let to him glimpse his feelings. He was the unique thing that hid to him. Convinced that never it would be his pair in the life, she wanted to maintain his friendship by on all the things. Of to have made the most minimal hint, Jorge would begin to react different in front of her and that was something that she had seted out to avoid at all costs. So it was limited to listen to of him all the conquests that towards.

Its successes and their failures. He had often asked to him who happened to him that she did not leave with anybody. – So difficult he is to conquer your heart asked to him in mocking tone without suspecting that his at least heart was absolutely of its dominion. – It is that I have not found anybody to date that has obtained conquistarlo- always responded to Maria I am young still I do not see because I have apurarme-. – Because he is but pleasant to be in pair that in solitude said to smiling Jorge I to him I only feel only when I do not have it I cannot avoid as soon as I lose one, to leave to look for a replacement and to try to find it but the fast thing that it can. – Thanks for the part corresponds that me of your solitude said between sad and mocking Maria to him Pens that my company did not allow you to feel it, like yours does not allow it my.