Scientists Physics

It was during this period came a concept of structured water with predetermined biologically active properties, very attractive and promising for farming – the industry. Work on the development of this theory was carried out continuously on all continents. Scientists Physics conducted several scientific experiments, medical doctors and pharmacists have tried to conduct research on homeopathic medicines. In particular, the Russian physician neurophysiologist Nikolai Kardan, at one time participated in research in the field of hyperbaric medicine (the effect of various nano – drugs on the human body in terms of high blood pressure and intracranial) conducted their own independent research into the creation of various nanorastvorov based on the distillate, and vitamins. But thanks achievements of the research group Rastuma Roy Aquabionica Corporation researchers have managed to advance so far to a prototype Bionic water. U.S. researchers have begun to study the transfer of structural information from one crystal to another, and the liquid adjacent to the crystal without reference to its chemical composition.

In the experiments we used crystals of graphite and diamond. By that time, science was already known that having a certain structure in as a template (usually a solid material, but sometimes liquid), may make all the matter in a pre-selected kristallizovyvatsya structure or morphology. These laws have been used for over 30 years in stekloliteynoy industry. Cloud seeding epitaxial growth of crystalline ice on the substrate transferred from the seed or substrate layers of the liquid phase, without changing the chemical composition. Ie water clusters in a cube of ice were transferred to thawed water and kept in her morphological stability. Then the frozen ice cubes in a variety of solid objects and keep track of relationships between groups of clusters. Each time the image of the cluster changed. To This medicine is widely used diffusion technology for preparation of homeopathic remedies. Ie amount of an agent (Note that chemical!) was placed in the water and the method of active shaking and stirring