Saints Houses

Expressions appear new words creating and concepts, as partnership, corporative citizenship, social responsibility, private social investment, solidarity, voluntariado, extending the relationship enter the three sectors of the Brazilian economy. They start to appear, more recently, auto-sustainable projects, opposing to the traditional ones that they were of assistencialista character. The social organizations start to define and to apply a form of differentiated and participativa management, investing in new methodologies. They do not possess owners or shareholders, they do not aim at the profit and they excessively invest in the qualification and the training and qualification of social managers, beyond facilitadores of teams and voluntary participation of the citizens to deal with the social matters. In the partnerships carried through with the Government through proclamations, licitations and same with other private institutions, the renderings of accounts of the resources to be managed for the third sector always they are gifts (Service of Support, 2009). Better to understand the trajectory of the third sector and its historical sprouting in Brazil, is presented to follow it a commentary of the six described stages as article of Tanya L.

Rothgiesser and that it portraies the actions of filantropia since the Portuguese settling of century XVI until century XXI (Coast, 2001; Rothgiesser, 2004; Service of Support, 2009). In 1543 (century XVI), during the Empire, the Brotherhood of the Mercy in the Captainship was created of Is Vicente, with the purpose to give assistance the abandoned ones. A very narrow bond between the State and the Church existed at the time Catholic who had the responsibility to give to assistance to the devoid communities that were also taken care of by the Orders Third and for the Saints Houses. Also the benedictines, the franciscanos and the Armelites participated of these benemerncias who did not measure efforts to promote action social of assistencialista character and that it lasted until century XX.