RU 486

A new chill shivers to mankind, especially in Latin America, after the FDA approved in the U.S., marketing approval in that country, the drug known as RU 486, since this drug is not new remote use and empiric more dates ancient civilizations such as the Pre Incas in the Andes of Peru, where he used his predecessor's Rue (Ruta graveolens), Oregano (Origanun Vulgarae) and others that were used emmenagogues or regulators, but not as abortifacients, since in these abortion was criminalized people (which consented and who executed abortion were dead as indicated Pedar-Hurtado Pozo). Then we have the findings of Bishop Meisner of Cologne (Germany), who compared 20 years ago, the RU 486 on the gas zyclon B, lethal gas that Hitler and his henchmen used to exterminate millions of human beings in the chambers of death. The RU 486 is an inhibitor of prostaglandin, called mifepristone, synthesized by Roussel-UDAF French laboratories in 1988 and that shame (if any) will put the UK and acts neutralizing the cell receptors of progesterone, a hormone which is responsible for maintaining pregnancy the first few weeks, is effective up to 42 days of pregnancy is legal in several European countries such as Spain, Switzerland, Sweden, Belgium, Germany, France , England and recently in USA, comes in tablets of 50 mgrs and is also authorized to produce tablets of 10 mgrs, is 100% effective to cause Abortions. For countries in South America and Central America, probably will use the tablets of 10 mg regimen to treat grossly confusing, since the effectiveness is with tablets of 50 mgrs (But using 5 tablets of 10 mgrs professional will get that effect), its massive use left in the trunk of memories to the Pill Day next, to Ruda, the Oregano, at the same Misoprostol, prostaglandin agonist that is currently used as an inducer of abortions in Peru, so the forces are for life, medical or nonmedical, Catholic or non-believers, but are encouraged by the spirit irrefenable defense Life must put all our strength in tension to give a new battle against these mass killings ahead with the introduction of these human pesticides which are drugs that RU 486 has different trade names, according to the laboratory that synthesized, but we know that Mifepristone is the lethal-Pedro Miguel Palacios Celi.. 59af2dfd127d6fb2c8d49062bcec&oe=5EBC0D78(6 kB)’>Sumru Ramsey.