Reward for Hard Work

I read in a book by Zig Ziglar: "First you have to pay the price and then receive the reward." Perseverance plays a crucial role in the success of any person. To develop this attitude and ability, is very important to first learn to be persistent in the little things that are made daily. The first step to become a master of perseverance is the ability to make clear decisions and accomplish what you propose. It starts with being persistent in your eating habits, your job, taking care of your body. You can even select a task you do each day and decide not to stop until I achieve it during the day. That is, determine that you start something and then never leave it incomplete.

How often select too many tasks to do, opening many battle fronts and then fails to make or do it improperly. To get to run a marathon, often have to start by walking around a block. If you want to run a marathon, begins to practice your walk around the block. Start walking, do more days, then were able to increase the distance and speed of your way until you're able to run a marathon. However, you must be careful not to lose focus. Do not let yourself be influenced by external agents or even yourself. If you want to achieve something, I'm sure you'll find people or family who will tell you that you can not or should not even try to follow.