Reduce Control

Constantly let the idea that the market can begin to move against you – and get ready for this advance. If necessary, adjust the levels of stop – signal where more suitable. Create a plan to exit the market. Therefore, when the market will move against you, you’ll be ready. Protect what you have. Rule 9: Do not peretorgovyvayte Reduce risk by reducing the size of deals and save small bets. Be selective in the risks that you incur. Limit of one transaction, which is the most attractive.

This forces you to perform your homework and reduce impulsive and emotional transaction. Since the transactions will be less, you’ll be patient. Rule 10: Control your emotions all the time traders from time to time experienced severe stress and suffering losses. Anxiety disorder, depression, and sometimes despair, are part of the game on the market. Part of risk management is the ability to control these emotions. Do not let emotions control your trading.

Focus on what you are doing. Trade on the basis of informed, rational decisions, rather than emotions and fantasies. Communicate with other traders is one way of maintaining control over their emotions. Other traders understand the challenges you face and can provide important emotional support when you have lost courage. It helps to understand that you are not alone and that other faced with similar problems and have experienced them. Rule 11: When in doubt, get out of the game personal doubts suggest that your trading plan is something wrong. Quickly exit the market if: Market behavior irrationally, you are not sure of the position, you do not know what to do, you can not sleep at night. Before you put money at risk, you should know exactly what you are doing, and that you’re lucky. In conclusion, based on risk management includes four basic steps: A full understanding of how at risk sdelka.Ustranenie as possible risks, which are not legible in neobhodimosti.Byt how risks can be subjected to sdelku.Bystro act to reduce the amount of risk if the market moves against you. For many traders the key moment of risk control is the ability to reduce losses before they lead to razoreniyu.