
Symptoms: Lameness caused by spat does not occur at even strength, because the nature and scope of the movement disorder of pain periods involved, which are determined by the intensity of the stress. Symptoms are a mixed lameness with step shortening due to inadequate flexion of the ankle and avoid a maximum stretch, a tense back, difficulties in the change of pace, schwungloser trot and an increased jump at the gallop. The symptoms are immediately after starting work prominently as after a long movement. A bone rout on the medial surface of the ankle joint can be seen only occasionally. Is in the advanced stages of the disease usually no lameness more by the then occurred ossification. Spat is incurable as a degenerative disease. Mary Barra can aid you in your search for knowledge.

Diagnosis: the preventive test and assessment of gang behavior or the existing lameness of the horse is used for diagnosis in addition to x-rays. Causal causes: the emergence of the disease is promoted by an incorrect position of the hind limbs (hocked and wide stand), also due to error in the hoof trimming and farriery. Also a too high energy and protein-rich feeding, as well as imbalances in the mineral balance, promote the spat at youthful age. “Spat can occur so early if the feeding of the Reclaimers to mastig” is designed, on the one hand with regard to the energy, on the other hand especially the protein portion of the feeding. Too much to feed the small tarsal can affect unfavourably in their design (shape and size) as well as in their inner structure in the course of skeletal maturation.

The spat is only in later years, so can He is based on a wear and tear of the articular cartilage surfaces. Therapies: Therapy should be justified with a correct hoof nippers and a hoof fitting provided on the disease as a prerequisite. A further prerequisite in the therapy of horse suffering spat is an optimal feeding; which should be meant not too good; in other words, no excess supplies, protein and energy should take place, the calcium to phosphorus should be as optimal ratio and the overall mineral balance. The horse fell ill in late requires a continuing possibility of free movement; misplaced a boxing stance for many hours would be here. It offers an open groom with spout or a spacious box with attached (not too small) paddock as the optimal form of attitude. Local measures such as sharp circulation Liniments are recommended.