Real Estate Agency

Mortgages in real estate agency or a bank? Mortgage, a commitment that you take on himself for 10 years or more financial obligations. And before making a decision about mortgages before you decide which bank apply – you need to know everything about the possible pitfalls associated with the mortgage and get answers to all your questions. And not from the bank officer is directly interested in what you would get a mortgage in this bank, and from an independent consultant who will tell you about all the offerings of banks, of all the pros and cons. According to statistics for 2007 among the 10 people who applied to the bank for a mortgage, to reach deals only 2! This is due to lack of awareness of the potential borrower about all kinds of pitfalls, hidden fees, additional costs, etc. Did you know that banks in evaluating potential borrowers, deciding to give loans Kazan or not, use over 70 criteria? And how important it is to choose the right bank! The difference in the annual interest rate of just 1% of your savings can be up to $ 80,000. For example, you want to buy a studio apartment for $ 230,000 c first contribution of 10% ($ 23,000). Do you already have the approval of the bank with an annual rate of U.S.

dollar 10% for 15 years. And in another bank can offer you a loan in U.S. dollars at 9% per annum. According to statistics for 2007 among the 10 people who applied to the bank for a mortgage to reach deal only 2! This is due to a lack of awareness of the potential borrower about all kinds of pitfalls, hidden fees, additional costs, etc. Did you know that the banks in assessing the potential borrower, deciding to give loans to Kazan not use more than 70 criteria? And how important it is to choose the right bank! The difference in the annual interest rate of just 1% of your savings can be up to $ 80,000. For example, you want to buy a studio apartment for $ 230,000 c first payment of 10% ($ 23,000). Do you already have the approval of the bank with an annual rate of U.S. dollar 10% for 15 years. And in another bank can offer you a loan in U.S. dollars at 9% godovyh.V this case your savings over 15 years is $ 22,320! The answer is obvious: you need to choose a dignified, well-known in the market of real estate agency that has experience in mortgages Kazan.