Raising Kids

Step 1. Love your children, that they would not do it. They show the others what was given them, and love – this is the best gift you can give. Kisses and hugs are mandatory! Hug them no matter how much older they consider themselves to be. Hugs to all simply vital.

Step 2. Please be patient when they throw the milk or crumbled cookies on your new carpet. Count to ten and breathe deeply. Very hard not to yell at the child. All mom scream for any reason, and if you do not shout at your child, you can not read on. Be tolerant. Step 3.

Respect your children, and they will respect you. Appreciate what they do for you and they will do it often. Praise and reward for a job well done to teach them that work, be a good person and doing it without reservation – that's the key to a beautiful life. Step 4. Show your children that you are a responsible person, work, providing them and taking care of their needs. This will teach them to do the same for their families in the future. It is very important to have a baby in the house of a loving atmosphere. Appreciate the moments of happiness and show children how much you want them to be useful. Step 5. Set goals for your children, for families and for themselves. Involve the family in achieving success, teach your household to set goals on their own and encourage them when they reach the target. For example, kids want a new toy, but before the New Year or birthday far away, ask them to help you around the house, where they usually do not help you, by doing so they will earn a gift. If your son or daughter have been successful in sport or in school, help them achieve more. Keep the team spirit of your family. Step 6. Planting tradition to their children. Some families have traditions for the holidays and this is uniting a family. Tell the children the story of his family. Prepare the dish in the traditional family recipe together, plan together for dinner. Recipes and ideas of family meals for dinner, you can spy on the Internet, for example in our parents Voronezh. Step 7. Affects for children so that they showed their best qualities. Talk to them, discuss what they want to achieve in life and answer their questions. Children prefer to talk about life with the people they love and trust, rather than with friends or strangers. Children will be more respect you for the conversation as an equal. Step 8. Be kind to your children. They are born innocent. Keep them in it for as long as possible. Treat children with dignity, respect and love and they will tell you the same.